The KeyFit 30 infant car seat accomodates infants from 4 to 30 lbs. The car seat harness has one-pull tightening & loosening for quick harness fitting. The thickly-padded infant insert gives extra support for a smaller baby around the head, neck, back & bottom. The carrier shell is lined...
Safe but not perfection
Pros: Sturdy, Easy to Adjust, Easy to install, Safe, Stylish
Cons: Heavy
Best Uses: Preemies, Infants, Newborn
Describe Yourself: Parent of Two or More Children
Bought this infant seat for our 2nd daughter after buying a cheap infant seat for our 1st and finding it had too much movement even when properly installed. This seat installs much better, very secure. We were seeking safety in a crash and I believe the seat would be much better. Like all things, it has a few downfalls. When installed, the seat is large (depth wise). I was forced to install on the passenger's side of my Acura TSX because my husband can't fit in the drivers seat with it installed on drivers side. Others warned the seat is hot - and it is, my daughter is often damp-feeling when I lift her out - but it IS summer in the south. The seat does not position on shopping carts as my other would. Now, this really isn't safe to do regardless, so maybe that's why - but if you're looking for that feature this is not the seat for you. Lastly, the seat is heavy - even with my newborn. Add all these items up and I come to the conclusion that the seat is heavier and bigger - most likely because it was built for safety, not convenience. Afterall, that's the point.
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